Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Patio Container Garden: Round Two

 One of the nice things about living in central Texas is that spring arrives earlier here than the rest of the country. Everywhere outside has transformed into greenery and flowers blooming. It's pretty awesome, and it inspired me and my husband to kick start our patio garden again. We added on a new plant every grocery trip and ended up with one tomato plant, two different varieties of peppers, a basil plant, a cilantro plant and three small decorative plants. We want to add some succulents and possibly a few more herbs, grasses and veggies. What can we say, we have spring fever!


 This year around we decided to put all the vegetables in our largest pots, so we won't have to transplant any of them later on. The herbs were placed in medium sized containers, and the decorative plants in the smallest pots. We're pretty happy with the variety and colors on our patio so far. The pets love hanging out on the patio even more than before! Do you have a garden? What does spring inspire you to do? - Reagan

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