Wednesday, October 26, 2011

65. instagram photodump!

1. my polaroid display wall. i missed it, so its back!
2. an awesome toadstool mug my room mates brought with them.

3. "fromwhereistand" pumpkins at work
4. owl thrifting finds!

5. some beanies i've made lately, (working on more!)
6. more owl/birdie thrifting finds. it looks like i'm starting to collect owl and bird ceramic figures. so if you see any, just know my birthday is next month :P

i've been hitting up my local goodwills a lot lately. i decided that i should make a list (or outline) of items to keep a look out for. so far this is my list:
1. owls (duh). and i pretty much mean anything owl. owl figurines, paintings, mugs, picture frames, planters ect.
2. cuckoo clocks. okay, so i haven't come across any yet, but i adore them. they remind me of my grandma, she's had one hanging in her living room for as long as i remember.
3. nautical inspired decor. okay, so this one is pretty vague, but allow me to elaborate. i found this awesome anchor that has little knobs for you to hang coats, purses scarves or whatever! i'm not into corny seaside decor, i like things a little more subtle.
4. crewel and embroideries. :D
5. paint by numbers. ( why are these so hard to find?!)
6. vintage pyrex! because they remind me of my other grandma who gave me my first vintage pyrex bowl, and also a lot more of amazing vintage treasures.

whew! okay, so i haven't really edited my list, but who says i have to? :P i know some people have numerous collections of wonderful vintage pieces. ( the dainty squid and bleubird vintage come to mind) i figure i'll start out small and go from there!  
if any of you guys are familiar with Austin or Pflugerville or Round Rock vintage shops please let me know! comment here, or on my instagram account as i check them most frequently. ;)


  1. please let's go thrifting/flea-marketing soon! my list is similar.

    1) owls and peacocks
    2) pyrex! (sometimes fire king too, but it has to be super cute)
    3) old books and albums
    4) vintage-y knick knacks and stuff for my walls

    I'm still so sorry I missed seeing you tonight. I have a huge pile of tissues from sneezing so much and a killer headache :(
    Also, your hats all look so great!! :)

  2. thanks. and we definitely will. i usually go by myself, so it'd be nice to have company and an extra set of eyes! i hope you're feeling better.
